Sponsorship Opportunities at NrrdGrrl! and Grrowl!

NrrdGrrl! is an online haven for young, active, independent-minded women 15-35. Site features include Grrowl! an online member-written zine, the virtual-community building NrrdGrrl! Directory, how-to's for women to build pages, polls, games, surveys & more.

And we're more than just attitude. NrrdGrrl! and Grrowl! are award-winning web content:

  • Cool Site of the Day
  • Yahoo! Cool
  • USA Today Hotspot
  • WinMag Hotspot
  • The Net USA "rave"
  • Seventeen magazine "Way Cool Site for Girls"
  • Point Survey Top 5% review
  • NetGuide Live 4-star site

Some Demographic Information about NrrdGrrl! and Grrowl!